
Ongoing projects supported by PharmaMar Foundation
Course in Sarcoma for Hospital Pharmacy of the SEFH and the University of Alcalá

The PharmaMar Foundation sponsors and supports the creation of the first Course in Sarcoma for Hospital Pharmacy, a course offered by the University of Alcalá at the initiative of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy, which aims to provide students with the following training resources:
- To provide an updated view of the most relevant aspects of sarcoma, such as pathophysiology, staging, etiology and risk factors, epidemiology and prognosis.
- To provide a detailed knowledge of the various systemic treatment options available in sarcoma.
- To delve into the general safety aspects related to these therapies, as well as strategies for maximizing adherence and optimal patient follow-up and key concepts in pharmaceutical care.
- To outline the latest tools available for the evaluation of health outcomes to optimize drug selection, and to strengthen its role within the multidisciplinary sarcoma team.
From November 13, 2023 to May 20, 2024
Check here for all the details of the course.
More information and pre-registration: www.sarcomafh.com
eScarcomas Application - Gregorio Marañón Hospital

As part of the “Aula Sarcoma” project of the Multidisciplinary Unit for Sarcomas and Musculoskeletal Tumors at the Gregorio Marañón Hospital, the PharmaMar Foundation is supporting and sponsoring the creation of an application that will enable communication and continuity of care by establishing a direct channel with patients, health centers and professionals at their referral centers and patient associations.