Award for Best Care Provision to Hospitalized Covid Patients

Pedro Landete
Hospital Universitario de La Princesa
“The Award for Best Care Provision to Hospitalized Covid Patients honors healthcare professionals who have made a difference in treating hospitalized COVID-19 patients, overcoming challenges, improving the quality of care, and making a positive impact on the lives of those facing this difficult disease.”
Dr. Pedro Landete completed his Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Castilla La Mancha (2003-2009) and specialized in Pulmonology at the University Hospital San Juan de Alicante (2010-2014). Since 2015, he has served as a Specialist in the Pulmonology Department at the Hospital Universitario La Princesa and was the Head of the Intermediate Care Unit at the Hospital Emergencias “Enfermera Isabel Zendal” (2020-2022). He is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Autonomous University of Madrid since 2016, a mentor to residents (2015-2021), a director of master’s programs, and a co-coordinator of specialized units at the Hospital Universitario La Princesa. He has participated in over 100 presentations and 150 communications at conferences, published 63 articles in Pubmed, and collaborated on more than 10 research projects and clinical trials.
The PharmaMar Foundation has awarded Dr. Pedro Landete for his commendable work in treating hospitalized COVID-19 patients.