José María Fernández Sousa-Faro
Presidente de PharmaMar y Presidente Fundación PharmaMar
Dear friends,
It is an honor for me to introduce and welcome you to PHARMAMAR FOUNDATION, where we would like to share with you our projects and the motivation that guides our work: the promotion of scientific research and innovation in health.
Our goal is to improve people’s lives through projects in science dissemination, scientific research, recognition of outstanding researchers and support for other initiatives such as training.
The PharmaMar Foundation is also committed to defending and disseminating marine biodiversity, the basis of the science developed by the PharmaMar Group and its potential for developing new drugs and treatments.
Teamwork and collaboration are present in our DNA and will be essential to advance our objectives and achieve results of greater social impact. For this reason, alliances and agreements with other public and private entities, such as research centers, universities and other related organizations, will be a priority in our future projects.
We are inspired by the sea, driven by innovation, and our motivation will always be to improve the health and well-being of people around the world. I invite you to join us on this mission.
Cordially yours,
José María Fernández Sousa-Faro
Chairman of PharmaMar Foundation
The PharmaMar Foundation believes it is essential for society to be aware of the main advances in the field of research and health.
To this end, we have a series of scientific conferences and collaborate with different institutions and organizations to disseminate information and specialized knowledge in the field of health and science.
We firmly believe that research is the key to advancing knowledge and treatment of diseases with limited therapeutic options.
Therefore, one of our main objectives is to promote and support scientific research in the field of health, especially in oncology and infectious diseases.
We promote training aimed at experts in the biomedical sector and society in general, to contribute to the development of knowledge and so that both researchers and professionals in the sector can continue their professional development in the field of health.
The oceans cover more than 75% of the earth’s surface and are home to a wide variety of species and ecosystems that are essential to the global ecological balance.
For scientific research, marine biodiversity is fundamental because many marine species contain chemical compounds with unique medicinal properties.
Through the dissemination of science and innovation we share with society the advances and developments that are being carried out in this field, highlighting the value of marine biodiversity and its potential for the development of new drugs and treatments.
We believe that teamwork and collaboration are essential to advance our objectives and achieve results with greater social impact.
For this reason, we encourage the establishment of alliances and collaborations with public and private entities, research centers, universities and other related organizations.
Presidente de PharmaMar y Presidente Fundación PharmaMar
Director Estrategia Legal PharmaMar y Secretario patronato Fundación PharmaMar
Directora Public Affairs PharmaMar
Directora I+D PharmaMar
Country Manager España Marketing y Ventas PharmaMar
Directora Financiera PharmaMar
Directora de Comunicación PharmaMar
Jefe del laboratorio de Coronavirus - Centro Nacional de Biotecnología
Investigador Neurocientífico - CSIC
Profesor Investigación CSIC – Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas - CIB
Director - Centro Integral Oncológico Clara Campal (START MADRID)
David Fernández has been Chief Operating Officer of the PharmaMar Foundation since January 2023.
Previously he has developed his professional career in AseBio – the Spanish Association of Biocompanies – as Director of Internationalization and Business Development. There he managed and developed international relations with associations, clusters, investors and the international pharmaceutical industry, as well as the management of BIOSPAIN, the largest biotechnology event in Spain and the creation of other events such as the AseBio Investor Day, currently one of the largest biotechnology investment forums in Europe.
Previously, he worked in the field of international business consulting, having the opportunity to work and live in countries such as China, the United States and Saudi Arabia. David holds a degree in English Philology from the University of Jaén, an International MBA from Hult International Business School in Boston and the Advanced Course in Marketing, Communication and Event Management from the Complutense University of Madrid.